We want to share our knowledge and passion to build and communicate the science behind our ingredients. We all are passionate about expanding science-based nutrition communication and public health research.
Nutrition Experts

Nutrition plays a key role in consumers’ lives
We address the health and nutritional needs of your consumers using our science-based innovative ingredient solutions. Discover how in our Nutrition Centre...
Disclaimer: This data, research, and product information (“content”) is published for your consideration and independent verification. Tate & Lyle accepts no liability for accuracy or completeness of this content. We may change this content at any time. The applicability of label claims and the regulatory and intellectual property status of this content and our ingredients varies by jurisdiction. You should obtain your own advice regarding all legal and regulatory aspects of this content and our ingredients and their usage in your own products to determine suitability for their particular purposes, claims, freedom to operate, labelling or specific applications in any particular jurisdiction.